Hair Care Tips for Winter Months: Are You Doing these Things?
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Hair Care Tips for Winter Months: Are You Doing these Things?
How are you caring for your hair this winter? If you cannot answer this question, there may be some trouble on the horizon for your hair. Hair care during winter months often suffers because many of us fall into the trap of thinking it’s business as usual and we make wrong assumptions that our hair will keep up with the climate shifts. Your hair however more than likely would beg to differ if it had a voice in the matter. Cold winter months can prove brutal to your tresses whether they are naturally growing from your root or attached by way of sew-in, glue, tape, or clip-in extensions.
If you do not have a winter hair care regimen, now is the time to create a blueprint. Here are five basic winter hair care tips you should have in place.
Pre-Poo Your Hair
Before initiating your shampoo regimen, be careful not to skip the pre-poo process. A pre-poo regimen is an excellent way to infuse moisture into your hair immediately. Pre-poo can help to loosen up dirt and debris at the scalp level and assists in removing product build-up. You have the option of mixing your own pre-poo ingredients, or you can purchase pre-made pre-poo products that enable you not to skip this critical step.
Deep Conditioners are a Must
Become a faithful user of the deep conditioning process. Deep conditioners are a must-have because of their ability to penetrate your hair’s structure and fill in the gaps where hair might be experiencing damage or vulnerable to eventually becoming brittle. Deep conditioners are yet another way to help your hair seal in moisture and increase hair elasticity. Look for hair care products that are genuinely moisture-rich and assists with the detangling process.
Hot Oil Treatments during Winter Months
Is it clear yet? Your hair and scalp are thirsty during winter months. Each one craves moisture. Another excellent way to quench your hair’s and scalp’s thirst is to indulge in hot oil treatments. Hot oil treatments not only help to condition your hair and seal in moisture but this hair care ritual can help to give your hair vibrancy. There is nothing sadder in the realm of hair care than having dull hair, brittle hair, and a flaky, dry scalp. Hot oil treatments can help to cure you of pesky dandruff and other dry scalp conditions.
Some of the best oils for hot oil treatments include avocado oil, olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, Jamaican Black Castor Oil, and sesame oil to name a few.
Be Careful with Your Heat Habits
Be careful with your use of heat. Heat usage during winter months can be extra-drying to your hair. Choose hairstyles that do not require excessive heat utilization or reduce the heat setting on your hairstyling tools.
Avoid Clothing and Hats that Create Friction
Finally, be wary about what you wear or bring into contact with your hair. Certain hats, sweaters, and caps can cause your hair to snap during winter months because your hair is so prone to dryness. Take care to wear hats or caps with silk or satin linings as often as possible and when pulling those sweaters over your head, take care not to rub this article of clothing against your hair.
These are just five tips for hair care during winter months. Take steps now to adjust your hair care regimen if you are not already doing these things and if you are –keep up the excellent work. Your hair will appreciate it.