Do Clip-In Hair Extensions Damage Your Hair?
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Do Clip-In Hair Extensions Damage Your Hair?
Clip in human hair extensions Canada are a fantastic way to temporarily add layers of volume and length to your hair for hairstyles that not only deliver versatility but fabulosity. Hair extension enthusiast love clip-in hair extensions because they are easy to install and remove quickly which can be especially beneficial if you are attending a special event that commands a showstopping hairdo but you are not necessarily seeking to rock the same hairstyle on the day following the event.
Unfortunately, as they grow in popularity, clip-in hair extensions so does some of the information that exists about how damaging they can be to your hair.
Let’s take a closer look at myth versus reality.
Are Clip-Ins Bad for Your Hair?
So, what’s the verdict? Are clip-in hair extensions safe for your hair? The answer is “yes” and “no.”
Clip-in hair extensions are safe for your hair with proper installation and removal techniques. There are a couple things you must do to avoid damaging your hair when wearing these hair extensions. Here are the top three actions you can take to safely rock those clip-ins and not damage your hair.
Light Weight Hair Extensions
Choose light weight clip in hair extensions. Heavy clip-in wefts that weigh greater than 120 gams can create strain on your hair and scalp. If you have thin or fine hair, choose lighter weight clip ins as this will help to spare your hair from unwanted damage.
Take Care in Removing Your Hair Extensions
If you are the one who decides to remove your clip-in extensions, remember to slow down and do so cautiously and carefully. Acting too quickly can boost the risk of hair damage or breakage. You always want to avoid tugging or pulling too harshly on your hair.
Can You Sleep in Clip-In Extensions?
If possible, avoid sleeping in your brown clip in hair extensions. Hair extensions (clip-in or otherwise) can tangle which ultimately will contribute to pulling and this side effect can create strain on your natural hair. If you must sleep in your clip-ins, take steps to reduce the risk of hair tangles. You can lightly braid this hair into a single braid, place it into a loose ponytail, or secure this hair at night with a satin bonnet or silk scarf.
Clip-ins do not cause damage to your hair but the choices you make when installing, caring for or removing them can lead to hair loss or damage. However, these three actions can help to prevent clip-in hair damage from occurring.