5 Tips for a Mid Year Reset
Posted by Aashi Beauty Admin on
Get in a good headspace
It’s important to be in a good headspace by ensuring you’re mentally and emotionally ready to take on this reflection period. If you’re feeling anxious, worried, fearful or just blah, take action by practicing self-care and doing what makes you feel at peace and happy at that moment. Additionally, you can try going for a walk, working out, doing some form of exercise, or meditation! Personally, sometimes I put on a feel-good tv show and allow myself to be lazy in bed, for the duration of the show. Whatever makes you feel calm, do that!
Revisit & Reflect on your 2022 goals
It’s time to analyze and reflect on your 2022 progress thus far. Here are two methods to reflect:Ask yourself the following questions: Do these goals still align with what I want? Are there any goals that are making me feel anxious or on edge? What goals have I accomplished, started and avoided? What goals are exciting for me? What goals are making me nervous? Once you have answered the above questions, re-write your goals for the remaining year of 2022. Conduct a SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) analysis for your new goals to help prepare you for success.
Reflect on your 2022 Financial Budget + Spending
Finances are a critical part of your life. Although money can be a nerve-wracking topic for some, it’s important to be aware and make well thought out decisions. (Just a quick disclaimer - we are not financial advisors, we are sharing what has worked for us!) If you’re not sure where to start, you can begin by printing out your bank statements for the past 6 months and calculating your spending into various categories such as eating out, shopping, savings..etc. Next, make a list of your monthly expenses along with due dates of upcoming bills (don’t forget the amount!) Lastly, figure out how much you need to allocate towards your savings, travel fund, or anything else you’re saving for!
Envision your dream life by creating a mood board
It is said that visualization is one of the best ways to motivate yourself. Reflect on your 2022 goals and categorize them. Now turn those goals into visuals by finding or creating photos or content. Your goal is to put together a colleague of visual images to inspire you to work towards accomplishing your goals! Make your mood board as personable to you as possible by including important words, quotes, colours, logos, and the overall design! Pro-tip - you can make a digital mood board on Canva and make it your phone/laptop wallpaper.
Make a plan & Take action
This last step could arguably be the most challenging for some - making a plan and taking the action! Now that you’ve reflected, envisioned and re-set yourself, the next step is to make an action plan for yourself! Set monthly goals by breaking down your yearly goals into smaller actionable steps. Break those goals down into weekly steps, and break those goals down into daily to-do’s! Lastly, it all comes down to you taking ACTION! It’s time to do the thing and it all starts with your actions! Remember, the hardest part is starting, but it’s what you do after you start that will impact your ability to succeed.