New Year, New Hairstyle Choices for 2019
Posted by Aashi Beauty on
New Year, New Hairstyle Choice!
It’s a new year, and you know the rule; It’s time for a new you. This motto is not to say there is a whole lot wrong with the old you, but we are humans, and we must evolve periodically and morph into another version of ourselves. Why not start with your hairstyling choices?
Here are four hairstyle choices for 2019 that you should consider.
Practice Seasonal Hair Care
This year, make a conscious effort to practice seasonal hair care. During winter months, modify the frequency in which you wash your hair. Choose shampoos and conditioners that will moisturize your hair and do not skip those deep conditioners. Stick with your pre-poo regimen. Use oils that condition and help to seal in moisture and reduce the risk for your hair becoming dry or prone to breakage.
During the spring and summer months, adjust your shampoo regimen once more to help cleanse your scalp and hair more frequently. During this time, you may have to use more gels than creams to style your hair. Protect your hair from environmental factors like ultraviolet rays and humidity.
Hair Color Ideas for 2019
Hair color ideas for 2019 are endless and will depend on your sense of style, but remember this is the year to step out and make new choices for you.
Not sure what’s in fashion? This winter, pastel colors like lilac, pink, and metallic silver are in vogue. If these colors are too bright for your tastes, there are darker colors such as plum, wine or burgundy that will give you a fresh look and add dimension to your tresses.
This Spring, give your hair a bit of pop by transitioning to a balayage or ombre style.
Try Clip-In Hair Extensions
This next piece of advice may seem random, but it is intended for those who do not habitually wear extensions. Try wearing clip-in hair extensions at least twice this year. Clip-in hair extensions are an excellent way to temporarily change your look by adding length, volume and additional texture to your natural hair. Clip-in hair extensions are available in a variety of textures and colors. Thus, you are not limited in your options.
Try New Hair Care Products
You probably have a love affair with some of your natural hair care products that are currently in your cabinets, but make 2019 the year that you venture out and try at least one or two new products this year. Yes, you will have to do a little research, but make this the year that you switch out your shampoo and conditioner at least once. Try a new hair mask. Purchase a pre-poo product. Invest in a few new hair accessories.
These are just four ideas to get you started. You may already be doing some of these things or at least have them on your list. You don’t have to stop here. Create one hair goal for the year and see it through. Do your research and try to have a little fun.