How to get Rid of Tangled Hair
Posted by AASHI BEAUTY on
Frizzy hair can create a lot of mess. Needless to say, tangles and curls are things that make hair care routine a havoc. Blessed are those who have naturally smooth and silky hair.
However, those who have not been gifted with flawless hair have to pick up their combs and put in hours to detangle the irritating locks.
Trust me, no one wishes to go through the process of smoothing the locked hair curls, but women have to be flawless in their looks. So, they try several methods, and a number of combs that could glide through hair effortlessly.
Hair is the crown of one's beauty, so, how to get rid of tangles? Here are a few tips that could help you to keep your long hair tangle free.
● Use Conditioner:
Using conditioner is one of the oldest ways used to detangle hair. However, people having oily hair tend to avoid the use of conditioner. Contrarily, conditioning can soften the curls, thereby making them easy to untangle. If you have oily hair, it is advised to use conditioner only on the lower ⅔ of your hair.
Moreover, conditioner can also be applied before shampoo. The residual components can be washed off by shampoo along with the dirt.
This procedure both cleanses and softens the hair.
● Detangling Brushes:
There are a lot of brushes that claim to detangle locked curls.
For years women had been using wide-toothed combs to detangle their hair. These wide combs were doing a good job but then came the detangling brushes that made things even easier.
These detanglers can be used both on wet and dry hair with minimum damage and breakage. They work well for straight as well as curly hair.
The technique to comb wet and dry hair is slightly different though. For wet hair, you need to work up from the bottom to the top, taking approximately 6 inches of hair at one go.
Whereas for dry hair, the application of a little serum will result in faster combing with minimum breakage.
Different beauty companies manufacture their own detangling brushes. One such amazing product is Aashi Beauty also offers clip in hair extensions Canada . It works well on hair.
● Comb Your Hair Before Washing:
Yes, combing your hair before washing can prevent tangles. As they say, prevention is always better than cure. Thus this way, you can protect your precious hair from getting tangled.
For straight hair, combs with thin bristles will work, but for curls, you need to use the detanglers.
Or you can also give your hair a rough straightening using fingers. The idea is to keep the hair smooth and lock free before washing itself.
● Keep Your Hair Tied Before Going to Bed:
One of the easiest ways and a must-do to keep the tangles away is to braid your hair before going to bed. This avoids unnecessary tangles and frizziness.
The only problem is that you end up with wavy hair in the morning. If you don't like that kind of wavy texture then instead of braiding, you can make a loose bun.
All these simple tricks can keep the dreaded tangles at bay.
Using detangling hair brushes are the most sought after aid. These are quick and easy to use. They eliminate frizz and tangles immediately, keeping your hair straight and smooth so that you can flaunt your beautiful hair whenever you want. So, consider buying a hair brush to help you in this battle of maintaining your hair!